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Archery coaching is ideal for anyone who wishes to dig a little deeper into archery.

  • For anyone in TV, Film and Performance or for S.A.'s wishing to add another string to their bow (sorry).

  • This is also suitable for anyone researching archery, for example Writers or Video Game Developers

  • Re-enactors or LARPers who'd like to learn to shoot


Our Sessions cover everything you need to know to understand archery, both bow and crossbow, from a technical point of view as well as from a performative perspective. From Safety and best practice through to aim and form and how to perform accurately and authentically.


The sessions are not accredited nor is there a governing body that oversees this but we are Archery GB qualified and are affiliated with the world renowned S.O.T.A. (Society of Traditional Archery) giving you peace of mind that you have the knowledge and skills to accurately, believably and most importanly safely perform with ranged weaponry.


The team from Jagex deal massive damage to poor William's weak spot!

If you need to shoot in a period or region specific style let us know and we can provide the correct equipment and training. We aim to get you shooting in an authentic, believable and consistent style in as simple and expedient way as is possible.


Coaching can be done either as a full or half day workshops. We can provide 1-1 sessions or group sessions or a series of shorter sessions spread over a number of weeks. 


Contact us to for pricing and further details


*All bookings are dependant on a consultation and risk assessment prior to the event to assess whether the location is safe for archery


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